Buying and Selling Foreign Cars

When It's Time to Get a Custom Exhaust Installed in Your Vehicle

A custom exhaust can be a great choice for any vehicle, and one that makes your car or motorcycle look sportier and even perform better. It may also be needed as a car gets older. Note a few reasons to consider getting a custom exhaust and what parts and pieces may be included in such an upgrade or fabrication, and why it's a good idea for your car.

You've upgraded the engine

If you've added a supercharger or turbocharger to your car's engine, this will mean that the engine works harder to create the combustion needed for its performance. That added combustion will result in more fumes and emissions produced by the vehicle, but with a standard exhaust system, those fumes can get clogged in the engine and cause added wear and tear. This can also diminish its performance.

Dual exhaust pipes or wider pipes can allow for more venting of this damaging air and the emissions created by your engine, protecting it from wear and ensuring its performance. If you're going to spend the money on upgrading a car's engine, do the same with the exhaust so that you get the performance you expect and also protect your new investment.

You're very eco-conscious

An exhaust system includes a catalytic converter, which helps to filter out some fumes and emissions and other debris from the engine so that there are fewer of these pollutants that wind up in the atmosphere. A custom exhaust can mean a larger or more powerful catalytic converter, which will work to filter out more debris and keep the air cleaner. For those who are very eco-conscious but who aren't ready to give up a car altogether, a custom exhaust can be the best option.

Your car is getting louder

When your car gets older and louder, it may not be just the muffler that needs replacing. A custom exhaust can include aluminium pipes that won't corrode and rust like steel, and which can work to muffle more sound than standard exhaust pipes. You may also notice that certain heavy engines in cars or certain brands of engines on motorcycles tend to run more loudly than others, or a car or motorcycle may not have been manufactured with a quality exhaust system to keep its engine quiet. In these cases, having a custom exhaust fabrication for your vehicle can be the solution you need for a quieter ride.
